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We are pleased to have the Dutch Cycling Embassy in one of our parallel sessions at Velo-city 2019! The Dutch Cycling Embassy is a public-private network...

04 Apr, 2019

Author: Dublin City CouncilDublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership (DCSWP) is a section of Dublin City Council responsible for providing as many opportun...

01 Apr, 2019
Photo: New trial cycle lane protection measures, Leeson Street Image by Paul Delaney, Delani Street and Traffic Limited

Author: Dublin City CouncilA new segregated cycle layout being trialled on Leeson Street has received positive feedback from cyclists. The cycle protection mea...

29 Mar, 2019

We continue our mini-interview series with the Velo-city 2019 Keynote Speakers! #VC19Keynote #MeetTheSpeakers #CyclingForTheAges Dr. Jennifer Dill is a professo...

26 Mar, 2019

Author: Dublin City CouncilThis research is being conducted by the Technological University of Dublin and Trinity College Dublin using funding from the Road Sa...

19 Mar, 2019

To increase the impact of smart city solutions, their ability to be replicated across different environments must increase. This was the prime message emerging...

25 Feb, 2019

On Wednesday 26 June at 10:30 for the first time ever, the Cities & Regions for Cyclists network will have its own exclusive session at Velo-city Dublin. Do...

20 Feb, 2019

ECF & WCA at Transforming Transportation 2019 The World Bank and EMBARQ, the sustainable mobility initiative of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, host...

25 Jan, 2019
