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More than 20 experts from different organisations involved in the EU Cycling Strategy Campaign gathered for the 1st time on 25 November in order to develop a bl...

30 Nov, 2016

Should the EU embrace a target of doubling cycling over the next 10 years in Europe? And should therefore at least 10% of the EU transport funds be ring-fenced...

21 Nov, 2016

Breakthrough for "Radlobby", the Austrian member of ECF, and their campaign "Abstand macht sicher" (Distance for safety): "Radlobby" won a one-year court fight...

07 Oct, 2016

Congratulations to "Gijón Bus & Ride", the winner of the Velo-city 2017 conference ticket in our EUROPEANMOBILTIYWEEK contest. The entry received...

05 Oct, 2016

Even as news reports focus on the frontline in the east of Ukraine, bicycle and sustainable transportation advocates are riding a growing enthusiasm to rebuild...

23 Sep, 2016

For a successful advocacy campaign on a local level, it’s important to involve citizens and the cycling community to broaden your impact and make your voic...

12 Sep, 2016

Bike2Work is an EU co-funded project lead by the European Cyclists' Federation. Find out below why it's a success, who is involved and how you can join up!...

19 Aug, 2016

Liveable cities are economically successful, and cyclists are good customers – more and more local businesses in Europe understand this link and work together w...

09 Aug, 2016

Success for German ECF member ADFC: For the first time in history, the government has included cycle highways in the new Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan a...

04 Aug, 2016

The Slovak national Government has shown great support towards the bicycle. Since 2014, it has been organising the national Bike2Work campaign, improving it eve...

31 May, 2016

Sindikat Biciklista from Zagreb, Croatia, together with the Minister of Economy Tomislav Panenić and Minister of Environmental and Nature Protection Slaven...

23 May, 2016