War Inspiring Bicycle Campaigns in Ukraine

23 Sep, 2016
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Even as news reports focus on the frontline in the east of Ukraine, bicycle and sustainable transportation advocates are riding a growing enthusiasm to rebuild their country. At the end of August, One Street’s executive director, Sue Knaup, traveled to Ukraine to coach leaders of 12 campaigns in six eastern cities. Some are calling for new bike lanes, others disabled access on streets and transit, others reshaping streets and public spaces for vulnerable travelers. The project is led by the Kyiv Cyclists’ Association (AVK) and funded through USAID.

Ms. Knaup’s visit to Ukraine was the culmination of Phase II of the project, aptly named Advocating for Safe and Sustainable Transportation in Eastern Ukraine. Phase I commenced last December when she began coaching leaders of AVK through a train-the-trainer process for teaching campaign planning workshops. They went on to teach three very successful workshops in the east of their country resulting in the engagement of more than a dozen nonprofits now leading the 12 new campaigns. Four of the six cities have populations approaching or well over one million. By summer, leaders of all the campaigns had met with their city officials to present their requests and had taken their campaigns public in manners appropriate to their officials’ responses.

“I have never seen that level of professionalism from advocates combined with such passion to improve their cities,” said Ms. Knaup. “There is something very special happening in Ukraine right now. These six eastern cities will not only gain from improved transportation facilities, but the continued expertise and talents of the people building these organizations.”

One Street, AVK, and USAID are now discussing next steps for Phase III of the project. They expect these to include continued support of the 12 campaigns as well as outreach to nonprofits in other cities around Ukraine, engaging leaders of the first campaigns as experts and mentors. One Street hopes to inspire other countries tired of war to take on similar projects that will shift focus to positive citizen engagement and rebuilding their countries through bicycle and sustainable transportation campaigns. 

For more information, please contact Sue Knaup, Executive Director of One Street: +1- 928-541-9841, sue@onestreet.org


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