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During Velo-city 2018 we explored different aspects of cycling economy. The second day of the conference featured one of the Scientists for Cycling sessions, wh...

09 Jul, 2018

With Access to Life at the center, Velo-city 2018 had inclusion as one of its main themes. Both plenary and parallel sessions touched upon important topics such...

05 Jul, 2018

Through many different forward-looking sessions during Velo-city 2018, we discussed how new technologies influence the future of cycling. During the first day o...

04 Jul, 2018

The program of Velo-city 2018 Rio de Janeiro included many sessions devoted to bike sharing. Experts from all over the world explored the benefits of bike shari...

04 Jul, 2018

Infrastructure was a big topic at Velo-city 2018, having experts from all over the world talking about different perspectives of cycling infrastructure in many...

03 Jul, 2018