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Highly responsive to the Leadership Programme, the Slovenian Cyclists' Network improved its influence at the national level. The SCN was selected to represent a...

09 May, 2016

This spring and for two days, the center of Athens lived in the rhythm of cyclists. The Athens Bike Weekend was organized in the heart of the city, on Syntagma...

22 Apr, 2016

Brussels, April 14, 2016 Today sees the official kick-off of the ‘Cycling Festival Europe 2016’, organised by the Dutch EU Presidency. Activities will be organi...

14 Apr, 2016

In the latest of our Leadership Programme Success stories, we catch up with They have been very busy, running several successful campaigns, such as...

14 Apr, 2016

On February 22nd, bicycle parking places with eaves opened for use in front of Entitz government building of Republic of Srpska. Construction of parking pl...

23 Mar, 2016

Pyoraliito, the Finnish Cyclists Federation, has been successful as well. In 2015, they undertook advocacy to influence the drafting of a new road law. They ant...

21 Mar, 2016

Since their founding in 2015, Attica Bike Community have been extremely busy. After their establishment, one of the main goals was to be accepted on the Leaders...

08 Mar, 2016

After four days of sessions and events bringing together the top spokespersons from all the relevant fields related to cycling, Velo-city Taipei is fi...

03 Mar, 2016

ConBici have been working hard to promote cycling in Spain, and are seeing real progress towards the development of a National Cycling Strategy.  After pla...

24 Feb, 2016

  In the first of a new series, we will be looking at how the Leadership Programme has been helping organisations in Europe advocate for cycling. First up,...

17 Feb, 2016

Adam Bodor is now ECF’s Advocacy and EuroVelo Director – Marcio Deslandes’ position changed to ECF’s Velo-city Series and Global Politics Director From 15th of...

15 Feb, 2016

Win-Win – that is the objective of the Cycling for Growth Initiative. It brings together advocacy to promote more cycling together with advocacy to sustain a st...

11 Jan, 2016
