Cykelfrämjandet: Leadership Programme Success!

17 Feb, 2016
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In the first of a new series, we will be looking at how the Leadership Programme has been helping organisations in Europe advocate for cycling. First up, Cykelfrämjandet in Sweden!

Through the ECF leadership program, Cykelfrämjandet has stepped up its efforts towards making Sweden a first class cycling nation. The adoption of a new national cycling strategy in Sweden is a direct result of the program.

Credit: Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation

The future of Cykelfrämjandet is looking brighter than ever – and so does cycling in Sweden. Over the last couple of years, Cykelfrämjandet has been able to vitalise the organisation by boosting the enthusiasm and dedication for change of the organisations' members.

And the efforts have paid off.

In 2015, the Swedish government announced that they would begin working towards a new proper national cycling strategy, something that Sweden has sorely lacked so far. Work on the strategy started in December and a final proposal is expected to be announced in May this year, with Cykelfrämjandet as a key player in this process.

Without the efforts of Cykelfrämjandet none of this would have happened. In fact, it was the brain child of the organisation.

The ECF leadership program has brought our team a better sense of direction and drive; members from the regional divisions within the organisation has gained a powerful set of tools to further the cycling cause and to better promote our message towards politicians, media and the general public. The Programme has helped organise 5 different working groups, focusing on various areas of cycling; these working groups were initiated at conferences, and have helped empower local branches to become better at advocacy. 

The Leadership Programme Working Groups has had an important role in gathering and prioritising issues that members consider important, and this knowledge has informed the strategy of Cykelfrämjandet, and laid the foundation for our interactions with Swedish Ministers. Further to this, the advice and support given through Leadership Programme given the confidence and the international legitimacy to demand an operative role in the political arena.

What was once a side issue, cycling, is now one of the hottest political issues in Sweden at the moment. The government and state agencies are competing in efforts to reduce the huge 'cycling debt' due to years of neglect. Cykelfrämjandet is playing a key role in this, taking part in government working groups and moderating discussions. 

Now, it is important to take the various proposals on the drawing board into reality, and to make them as good for us cyclists as possible. Cykelfrämjandet will not let down its guard, and thanks to the leadership program we are now better prepared for our continued efforts.



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