Velo-city 2019 will take place in Dublin - a beautiful historic city known for its culture and hospitality. The city has a unique landscape being a coastal ci...
‘Hike it, Bike It, Like it’ is an award winning smarter travel project which was developed in 2012 in Drimnagh, a suburb in Dublin City with a population of ov...
How can we help families to cycle more often? Why do some cylists prefer cycle paths and others cycle lanes? What are the road safety implications of electric c...
The planned F15 cycle highway in the Netherlands represents a new model for cycling infrastructure projects. Not because of the route’s design standard, its len...
How can we help families to cycle more often? Why do some cylists prefer cycle paths and others cycle lanes? What are the road safety implications of electric c...
Our final ECF Newsletter for 2018 features some of our highlights of the year and a seasonal message from our President, Christophe Najdovski.
Being part of the European internal market, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway have established the EEA and Norway Grants as a way to help alleviate econom...
As the festive period approaches what better way to celebrate than to reflect on all of the results that ECF’s advocacy work has brought this year. We have been...
2018 has been one of the best years yet for ECF’s advocacy team; heading into 2019 we really feel like there has been a sea change in thinking on transport poli...
Following ECF's analysis of the Commission's proposal for EU VAT rates reform, the multi-stakeholder Platform for Electromobility has adopted a position paper o...
2018 was a huge year for the Global Policies Team at ECF, helping cycling take its place in the international limelight with the launch of the newly anointed W...