2018 Highlights

2018 End of the Year Highlights – ECF Global Policies Team

17 Dec, 2018
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2018 was a huge year for the Global Policies Team at ECF, helping cycling take its place in the international limelight with the launch of the newly anointed World Cycling Alliance, the first, hugely successful UN World Bicycle Day and the underlining of cycling as part of the WHO’s Global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030.

Young Cyclists in Delhi's Bike Parade on WBDTo start, this year marked the very first UN World Bicycle Day with cycling communities coming together from all four corners of the globe to celebrate on June 3rd. The United Nation’s declaration called on its member states to celebrate and promote cycling, and to include it at all level levels of government policy. Cyclists from Minsk to Montreal responded in style with everything from bike parades and organised tours to speeches and cyclist photo series.

Following closely on June 8th was the launch of the new WHO Global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030, 'More active people for a healthier world’. ECF played a critical role in underlining the cycling agenda at the GAPPA workshop with Randy Rzewnicki, ECF’s Health Policy Officer, highlighting the need for active mobility in health. The talk put special emphasis on cycling for kids, safety and some of the best cycling initiatives taking place worldwide, from Taiwan to Bogota. It was an outstanding event where ECF collaborated with WHO to raise awareness of cycling as a way to improve health globally.

WCA LogoTo finish the year with a bang, the World Cycling Alliance was approved as a legal entity in the Belgian legal system. The announcement allows the WCA to begin its work in promoting cycling for the benefit of people worldwide as well as advocating for cycling as a form of both active mobility and sustainable transport. The organisation will work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. There will be more to follow in the New Year on the development of the WCA and its activities.

We’re looking forward to seeing cycling take the global centre-stage in 2019 and wish all our supporters and partners the best for the New Year!



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