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The new Finnish centre-left government set its ambitions high when it took office in June 2019: by 2035, the Nordic country should achieve zero-carbon emissions...

23 Sep, 2019

Sindikat biciklista, one of the founding members of the CFE Consortium, has been implementing the Cycle-friendly employer certification in Croatia since 2017. T...

17 Sep, 2019

The traffic circulation plan introduced in Leuven in 2016 increased cycling volumes by 32% in one year thanks to eliminating through car traffic from the city c...

24 Jul, 2019

The European Commission has published in June 2019 the second part of its Guidance Note on the implementation of the revised Energy Performance of Buildings (EP...

23 Jul, 2019
[Photo Credit: Bart van Overbeeke]

[Photo Credit: Bart van Overbeeke]   In the last week of June, the Fietsersbond certified two more companies, reaching a total of ten Cycle-Friendly Emplo...

18 Jul, 2019

As Velo-city, the world’s premier cycling conference, took place last week in Dublin, Ireland, all eyes of the global cycling community were focused on how the...

04 Jul, 2019

The new Finnish government took office in June 2019 with the ambitious goal of increasing cycling and walking by 30% in 2030. This positive disposition came wit...

19 Jun, 2019

5000 cyclists and pedestrians per day use Maastunnel in Rotterdam to travel under the city’s main river.  Both user groups have their own separated space i...

14 Jun, 2019
Beneluxtunnel in Rotterdam

Benelux tunnel, a part of TEN-T road comprehensive network near Rotterdam, was originally meant for motorised traffic only. But during the reconstruction in 200...

27 May, 2019

The historic Sint-Annatunnel under the Scheldt river in Antwerp is reserved for pedestrian and cyclists. Since 1933 it offers a shortcut to the city centre unav...

25 Apr, 2019

Author: Dublin City CouncilThis research is being conducted by the Technological University of Dublin and Trinity College Dublin using funding from the Road Sa...

19 Mar, 2019

Image credit: Photograph by Rasmus Hjortshoj Dissing + Weitling) In numerous European countries Cycle highways are being developed. Each country picks its...

19 Mar, 2019
