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Picture from flickr, by Juan Pablo Mejía

Its alphabet soup time. ECF has been continuing its fruitful work together with the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the promotion of cycling. A lot of it is...

06 Feb, 2017

The latest ECF report on the Cycling Economy puts the health value at €96.55 billion per year as calculated by the WHO’s Health Economic Assessment tool (HEAT)...

12 Dec, 2016

Research reports show: 1. Air pollution does not negate the health benefits of cycling and walking unless you’re cycling more than 5 hours daily in some of the...

10 Nov, 2016

  Groningen is set to spend €85,000,000 promoting cycling in the next 5 years. This was confirmed by the city cycling policy officer, Mr Jaap Valkema, who...

25 Oct, 2016
Bratislava, HEAT conference

BRUSSELS, 14/07/2016 - This month the Slovaks took up the EU rotating presidency, with a number of events. The full program is here.  ECF will attend...

14 Jul, 2016

Krakow, Poland. ECF Went to Poland recently for the TRA conference where health policy officer Dr Randy Rzewnicki presented How to calculate the positive impact...

06 Jun, 2016

Across the entire EU, eBikes are saving money, time, and CO2 emissions for cities and companies. They are also increasing efficiency, productivity – and in some...

30 Mar, 2016

You haven't heard much about the Pro-E-bike project for a while because it's business as usual. No we don't mean because it's winter time that the bikes aren't...

01 Feb, 2016

The SWITCH project supports cities with health and transport experts to deliver campaigns promoting travel behaviour change. SWITCH was presented in Istanbul at...

12 Oct, 2015
Flickr/Jurg Vollmer

An easy-to-use Pro E-Bike simulation tool in 8 languages facilitates the process of demonstrating that eBikes and eScooters are a viable option for companies. T...

10 Jul, 2015

A systematic review of studies on active transportation showed evidence that a mode shift to active transport resulted in reductions in all-cause mortality, CVD...

27 May, 2015

Cities across the EU are keen to learn how to get people out of their cars, walking & cycling instead. From Cork in Ireland to Riga in Latvia, and Tartu, Es...

29 Apr, 2015
