Picture from flickr, by Juan Pablo Mejía

ECF ramps up cooperation with WHO? EUCS, HEAT, HEPA, PEMP, THEPEP, UNECE: Explainer

06 Feb, 2017
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Its alphabet soup time. ECF has been continuing its fruitful work together with the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the promotion of cycling. A lot of it is behind the scenes work, lobbying for cycling behind closed doors. Fortunately it’s not in smoke filled rooms any more. Most of us are glad of that part. But the work IS often done with an awful lot of acronyms. Here’s a quick explanation of a few of the so-called ‘letter-words’ being used in health and cycling in 2017.

ECF is continuing the fine work we’ve been doing with WHO – that’s the World Health Organization. But you already knew that. But did you know that at the end of this month ECF gets together again with WHO to explain how to use their HEAT tool? HEAT is the Health Economic Assessment Tool developed by WHO. We did a webinar featuring Francesca Racccioppi last year, and in case you missed it, you can register for this one here.

HEAT is also a key tool being used in the EUCS and PEMP, another area where ECF is working with WHO, THEPEP & UNECE.

One at a time now:

EUCS is the European Union Cycling Strategy – a key to a longer term plan for more cycling in the EU MS (European Union Member States). Read more about it here.

PEMP is the Pan-European Master Plan for cycling, which is a different long term plan for more cycling in all the 56 MS of the Pan-European Region.

THEPEP stands for Transport, Health & Environment Pan-European Programme, which is all about ‘Green and healthy mobility and transport for sustainable livelihoods for all’, as they say on their website. http://www.unece.org/thepep/en/welcome.html

UNECE is the parent of THEPEP at the UN (United Nations). The mission of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) is to promote pan-European economic integration or more simply help countries to cooperate at they are doing with the development of the Pan European Master Plan for Cycling.


You can learn more about the HEAT at  this webinar. Registration is open here

Contact the author

Randy Rzewnicki PhD's picture
Senior Health Expert

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