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The Slovak national Government has shown great support towards the bicycle. Since 2014, it has been organising the national Bike2Work campaign, improving it eve...

31 May, 2016

Sindikat Biciklista from Zagreb, Croatia, together with the Minister of Economy Tomislav Panenić and Minister of Environmental and Nature Protection Slaven...

23 May, 2016

Russia and several CIS countries held an International Congress on Cycling. The event gathered delegates from the greatest cycling countries, to share their exp...

18 May, 2016

“More bicycles, better cities, healthier society and economy!” That is the motto of the newly launched Portuguese Bicycle Commitment, an organisation created by...

11 May, 2016

2015 has been an outstanding year for the European Bike2Work project. Across all Europe, a total of 290.876 people participated in the campaigns, but what...

10 May, 2016

Cycling is booming at many places in Europe. To support that trend everywhere across the continent, transport ministers endorsed in October 2015 the ‘Declarati...

09 May, 2016

Thanks to FIAB, cycling has scored another success in Italy. Our Italian national member organisation managed to put the Leadership Programme’s teachings into p...

09 May, 2016