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The AGM: ECF Speed Pedelec Workshop main objectives are to get specialist input into ECF policy process, to allow members to share knowledge with each othe...

15 Jun, 2016

tHE ECF organisational development workshop held by Kevin Maine contains the tools and best practice for creating a stronger advocacy organisations network...

15 Jun, 2016

The workshop and presentation - by Adam Bodor and Holger Haubold - "Investments in cycling and Cost-benefitanalysis – overview and new developments" provid...

15 Jun, 2016

Latest news from the ECF. Read about, the UK, Rome, Slovakia, France, Flanders, Krakow, Velo-city 2017 Arnhem-Nijmegen and much more!

13 Jun, 2016
ECF Board AGM 2016

28/05/2016 Stockholm, Sweden. On the 2016 Annual General Meeting in the Swedish capital, the European Cyclists Federation Board was pleased to welcome thre...

02 Jun, 2016
Moscow Congress

News from the Annual General Meeting 2016 held in Stockholm, the Move Week 2016, the BikeToWork campaign, EuroVelo routes and much more!

01 Jun, 2016