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Being part of the European internal market, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway have established the EEA and Norway Grants as a way to help alleviate econom...

18 Dec, 2018

An exciting year for ECF’s members full of advocacy successes, cycling events, and new initiatives is drawing to an end. Here is a look at the highlights of the...

17 Dec, 2018

In 2018, our Cities & Regions for Cyclists network grew considerably, and members were actively involved in the development of national cycling strategies,...

13 Dec, 2018

The public health crisis Radical changes to mobility habits over the last 100 years in Europe has led to an increasingly widespread adoption of a sedentary life...

31 Oct, 2018

With its 4th Call for Proposals, the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is inviting urban authorities to develop and submit proposals, which address urban chal...

30 Oct, 2018

The European Cyclists’ Federation’s “Future Cycling” Conference was a highlight of the Brussels’ Week of Cities and Regions, and brought together high profile p...

18 Oct, 2018

The proposed changes to the system The European Commission recently published its proposals to reform the Value Added Tax (VAT) system. If the proposal goes ahe...

28 Sep, 2018

Edouard Philippe, the French Prime Minister, has unveiled today the new cycling masterplan for France. François de Rugy, Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Dev...

14 Sep, 2018

Summer is already way ahead, and we are taking the opportunity to reflect on our member’s highlights and milestones from the first part of 2018. January proved...

23 Aug, 2018

2018 has so far proved to be a busy year for the Cities & Regions for Cyclists (CRC) network, with our members across Europe holding events, receiving award...

13 Aug, 2018

During the Velo-city conference a multitude of sessions addressed pertinent topics for cities and regions that are committed to promoting bicycle use. A popular...

10 Aug, 2018

This is a guest article from our Czech members, the Czech Cyclists Federation, on how they have created an innovative way to determine the country’s best cyclin...

18 Jul, 2018
