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This week’s blog is written by Maggie LaCoste who got hooked on cycling in Europe when she took her family on a cycling adventure almost 15 years ago.  “ Little...

19 Jul, 2013

The Mayor of London’s Roads Task Force has acknowledged the importance of speed limits in London and surrounding Boroughs. This spells good news for cyclists an...

12 Jul, 2013

This Friday we are looking at BikeMyDay is a cycling blog/magazine from Osijek, Croatia in the corner of Serbia and Hungary. BikeMyDay was formed by a group of...

12 Jul, 2013

Following our meeting with the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) earlier this year, we have received further good news about the...

12 Jul, 2013

Source: Dsade via A new French cycling mobility plan is in the works and should see the light of day by the end of the year. It focuses on improvi...

11 Jul, 2013

The “World You Like” campaign aims to promote existing climate solutions in Europe. Indeed, there are many of them. Saving the climate makes people creative. Ye...

11 Jul, 2013

Oslo, soon the best cycling region in Europe? Break free! – sounds the slogan for the newest initiative to make Oslo, the capital region of Norway, the best cy...

10 Jul, 2013

 Radl Wadl: a real rad blog “The idea would not let go of me” writes Tatjana Elssenwenger, “every time I held the issue in my hands it electrified me”. She is s...

05 Jul, 2013

Source: A recent European Parliament resolution calls on the EU  to address road safety issues. This resolu...

04 Jul, 2013

Pula. Photo: Katie Leum In the beginning of this month the European Union got accompanied by a brand new nation and a little more than 4 million new souls,...

04 Jul, 2013

Benjamin and Edmund are both 23 years old but one grew up in Belfast and the other in South West England.  Together they have formed the blog Furious Green Ide...

28 Jun, 2013

Source: The CycleLogistics project is offering sub-contracts to organizations who promote the project. The goal is to reduce energy used in urban f...

27 Jun, 2013
