Blog Winner ECF Summer Campaign Week 2

05 Jul, 2013
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 Radl Wadl: a real rad blog

“The idea would not let go of me” writes Tatjana Elssenwenger, “every time I held the issue in my hands it electrified me”. She is speaking about an issue of the now defunct Vienna bike culture magazine, Velosophie. This zine inspired the Munich cyclist to bring something similar back to her city. The result has been a success.

Tatjana’s  blog Radl Wadl is a happy-go-lucky cycling blog. Her topics range from hands-on product reviews to cycling tips along with discussions about cycling infrastructure and culture in the Bavarian capital of Munich.  Tatjana writes well and targets the cyclist who enjoys riding around the city but who also, when the opportunity (i.e. nice weather) arises, will take their bike out of the city and hit the country roads.

This past spring Tatjana took her bike to the island of Mallorca, a place that some call the seventeenth Bundesland of Germany, but a place that everyone calls beautiful.  Now while Mallorca is not part of Germany (it is part of Spain) the island is a hot spot for cyclists. This is unquestionably due to the pristine beaches, stunning Mediterranean vistas and terrains that vary from flat as a pancake to Puig Major, the highest point on the island at 1,445m.

During her time on the island Tatjana did a lot of thinking and decided on what she finds to be some of the best tactical tips for cycling trips. For instance, when in a group one should use their break times wisely and not to dilly-dally in order to position yourself behind the guide rather than on the side. This links to her other tip which encourages using the slipstrea8710768180_7fbef8de19m as much as possible, whether it be behind cars or another group of cyclists. However, if and when you must part with your surrogate wind blocker, Tatjana stresses not to forget a little thank you wave; they just saved you a lot of energy! Another group tip is to make sure you’re in the right group. If you’re last to the top of the mountain and totally exhausted you’re probably in the wrong group. That’s why Tatjana suggest picking a slower group. That way you can enjoy the trip more. Be sure to take these tips into consideration if you’re planning to hit up some EuroVelo routes this summer!

Tatjana’s blog is fun. She has a very clever post titled “You know that you’re a bike-freak if…” with quips like “as fast as a pistol shot, you can name your yearly cycling mileage amount, altitude and average speed” along with others that I’m sure most of us could relate to.  Tatjana is very much in-tune with the cycling world, she even gave a shout out to Velo-city 2013, Vienna!

Once a season Radl Wadl releases an online and print magazine.  The online version is great and free! The most recent issue even echoes what the ECF has been saying since its inception. Cycling is economical, fast, healthy, Eco-friendly, and fun! The magazine features guest writers and interviews that while focusing on cycling in Munich and Germany, there are articles that show the global impact of cycling.

The blog is in German and is updated regularly so be sure to add Radl Wadl to your list of summer cycling blogs!

Check it out here


About the Author


Gregory Markus is a Communications Assistant at the ECF. He just received his Masters in European Studies from the University of Amsterdam. He currently lives in Amsterdam and is learning how to ride his bike no-handed.

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