Get a bike. Break Free!

10 Jul, 2013
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Oslo, soon the best cycling region in Europe?

Break free! – sounds the slogan for the newest initiative to make Oslo, the capital region of Norway, the best cycling region in Europe. The initiative is hosted by FutureBuilt who invites you to take part in the open idea competition.

Design as framework

Cycling is on the rise in most European cities but Norway however, is still trailing behind. In fact in Oslo only 7-8% are recorded to cycle to work, and this has caused the call for developing a cycling culture.  

The hierarchy of transportation needs to be turned upside down by focusing on pedestrians and cyclists before public transport and leave the car to the last. Public space needs a rejuvenation that is organized to optimize mobility for pedestrians and cyclists. Such a transformation would result in a more vivid and sustainable city, from both social economic and environment aspects.

To ensure that the bicycle becomes the preferred mode of transportation in the capital of 600 000 people , or through intermodality the Get a bike Break free competition invites a wide range of participants: architects, landscape architects, transport planners, social scientists, concept developers, design and communication agencies, suppliers and non-governmental organizations to contribute with their best ideas.

“How can we make at least 50 per cent of the population cycle to work? “ asks FutureBuilt.  How can the bicycle contribute to develop thriving cities and a sustainable region?

No formal competence is required; it is the good ideas that count. Both Norwegian and international participants are invited.

Read more about the competition here

About the Author

AnntteAnette Christiansen works as communications Assistant at the European Cyclists’ Federation, and rides around Brussels on her old second-hand classic dutch bike.

She holds a Masters-degree in European Tourism Management (EMTM) and is specialized in Cycling Tourism.

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