- Project name: BIKE NAT: Cycling routes to improve the natural and cultural heritage
- When: 2017 to 2019, -
To demonstrate what is possible and to provide inspiration, the ECF is collecting examples of EU funding being invested in cycling-related projects all across Europe. Wherever possible the examples in this best practice database have been linked to the operational programme that funded them. However, please note, that where the projects date from the previous financial period the wording in the current operation programme will inevitably be different and the activity may no longer be eligible through that programme.
Please use the search tools below to find examples from your area or alternatively find examples of different types of projects/activities.
BIKE NAT: Cycling routes to improve the natural and cultural heritage
- Short project description:
The proposal aims at enhancing the cross-border territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Carinthia and Salzburg, increasing its external visibility and physical usability, preserving the environment and satisfying tourist mobility needs, considering primarily the current situation regarding accessibility to major attractions, and facilitating incoming users (by cycling and hiking) through the promotion and enhancement of existing public transport systems and the improvement of the overall Alpe Adria Radweg Cycle-Way. A proposal will be made regarding the experiment of new intermodal passenger services (such as bus plus bike from MICOTRA train stations), the launch of new bike friendly services and the implementation of joint actions to promote tourism, such as the affixing of common signage near the most important points of the CAAR. The LP, Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in consultation with its partners Land of Carinthia and their respective tourist offices, will also help in identifying links with major cycle-ways of the cross-border area, for greater enjoyment of natural and cultural cross-border assets.
The project includes, among other initiatives, pilot projects for the safety of the cycle-way, eliminating architectural barriers and critical points present in a stretch near the town of Pontebba, by re-using the former Pontebbana railroad, new intermodal services and start up of new bike friendly services .
- Funded by: http://www.interreg.net/
- Total project size: 1 581 360.00€
Castle to Castle
- Project name: Castle to Castle
- When: 2017 to 2019, -
- Short project description:
Regéc, Streda nad Bodrogom, Veľký Kamenec, Veľká Ida – on the imaginary route between the settlements, running from castle to castles, some legendary figures of our history create a link between memories of the built past and tourists of the present. Regéc, where Ferenc Rákóczi II. grew up, and a central location of the kuruc battles. Streda nad Bodrogom, where Lajos Kossuth started his career. Veľká Ida, where the estate of the historic Csáky family is located. Veľký Kamenec, as the place of many historic events of Zemplén county including major battles.
The row of castle to castles, however, are often in a state of neglect or only partially renovated, and the exhibitions of novel content and form that would be attractive to visitors, as well as the necessary publicity, are missing. In each of the settlements in the border region participating in the partnership problems include loss of population due to migration and the scarcity of local employment opportunities.
A common challenge and also an opportunity for the settlements is to renew and present these inherited cultural and natural values in a way that they become more attractive as part of a border-region circuit tour for tourism: by attracting visitors to a “fortress and castle” tour of several days, this can contribute to increasing the number of visitors, and thereby strengthen the economic potential.
The direct aim of the project is the reconstruction of cultural heritage sites on the settlements concerned: the authentic reconstruction of the palace wing of the fortress of Regéc, the development of the castle in Streda nad Bodrogom and Veľká Ida, creating interactive exhibition and leisure spaces, as well as the development of the infrastructure for bicycle tourism in the region.
The development also contributes to the keeping of the local communities, strengthening their self-consciousness, finding out more about the border regions, as well as strengthening natural and cultural tourism.
As a result of the project, the Renaissance palace wing in Regéc will be restored, an interactive exhibition installed, an educational path leading to the fortress and a parking lot will be built, a historical and recreational park and an exhibition house established, and bicycle racks installed. In Streda nad Bodrogom, the castle and the small adjacent building will be renovated, and a new exhibition installed. In Veľká Ida, the fence of the castle will be rebuilt and 3 exhibition rooms installed. In Streda nad Bodrogom and Veľký Kamenec, 4 rest stops will be built with bicycle racks, and information tables installed with the involvement of Malý Kamenec.
As a direct result of the project, 5124,3 m2 of buildings will be renovated, and 10 development documents related to the project elaborated. As an additional positive effect, the development will result in the maintenance of 1 job, and it will create also 1 new job. 3 women will participate in the management of the project, 1 new subpage will be created, and there will be 4 cross-border thematic articles/media appearances.
As a result of the physical development and marketing, there will be a significant increase, estimated at 6004 persons, in the visitors to the castle of Regéc and the castles in the project (The number of visitors to the supported areas, cultural and natural heritage sites).
As an indirect effect, the number of guest nights in the region will increase, contributing to the achievement of the target indicator set in the Programme, increasing the total number of visitors to the region. Another indirect effect, the settlements and the region will become better known, which may generate further projects and attract investors to the region. As a result of the economic growth, the economic stability of the settlements and their ability to keep their population will increase.
- Funded by: http://www.skhu.eu/
- Total project size: 2 733 242.21€
Cognation mtb trails
- Project name: Cognation mtb trails
- Short project description:
The project Cognation mtb trails South Wales has improved and built new trails, renovated facilities and created a bike park.
More information: http://www.cognation.co.uk/about
Over the past three years we have improved the current trails, built new trails, renovated our facilities and create a new bike park in Merthyr Tydfil. - See more at: http://www.cognation.co.uk/about#sthash.06kToSky.dpuf - Funded by: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/funding/erdf/
- Tag/theme: Tourism
Cycle Highways - Call for Projects
- Project name: Cycle Highways - Call for Projects
- When: 2016
- Short project description:
Based on the description of possible actions in the Operational Programme, this call for projects focuses on the construction of cycle highways in the metropolitan core region of Flanders (Inside the "Flemish Diamond" between the cities Brussels, Leuven, Mechelen, Antwerp and Ghent). This includes:
- Cycling bridges and tunnels over railways, regional streets and waterways
- Upgrading of routes along waterways to cycle highways.
Only municipalities with a validated local climate action plan can receive funding. The own funding rate is at least 15%.
More information: http://www.agentschapondernemen.be/download/files/documenten/105_-_efro_oproep_p3_sd2_-_fietssnelwegen_20151104.pdf
- Funded by: http://www.agentschapondernemen.be/download/file/fid/33430
- Total project size: 7 500 000.00€
- Tag/theme: Cycle highways
Cyclelogistics Ahead - Moving Europe forward
- Project name: Cyclelogistics Ahead - Moving Europe forward
- When: 2014 to 2017, -
- Short project description:
Running from May 2014 until April 2017 Cyclelogistics builds on the success of and the lessons learnt from the Cylcelogistics project. The main aim of the project is to reduce energy consumption and emissions from freight transport in urban areas by triggering near zero emission logistics applications across Europe. The European Cyclelogistics Federation, founded during the forerunner project, will play a vital part in reaching this goal. Cyclelogistics Ahead will address all the 3 main affected target groups, the transport sector, municipalities and private and commercial end users by:
- Increasing the use of cargo bicycles for goods transport in cities as an alternative to fossil-fuel dependent vehicles by initiating a snowball effect in the set-up of delivery companies using near zero emission vehicles (cargo bikes and/or e-cargo bikes) all over Europe and by helping existing ones to extend and professionalize. This will be achieved with the assistance of the Cyclelogstics Academy that is part of the European Cyclelogsitics Federation.
- Stimulating municipalities to implement favorable framework conditions that facilitate the continuing development of near zero emission urban logistics by allocating responsibilities for such issues within the municipality; by a stepwise phasing out of polluting vehicles; by integration of zero emission logistics in local policies or mobility plans; and by establishing local logistics cooperation platforms.
- Raising awareness among private and commercial end users and their associations about their power to influence the development towards zero emission urban logistics solutions. This will be done by making them aware of their market shaping powers if they change their purchasing preferences; enabling transparency regarding the last mile delivery; and by reducing delivery traffic through pilot measures for pick-up solutions.
- Ensuring international networking and know-how exchange regarding all issues of near zero emission logistics
- Funded by: https://ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/
- Tag/theme: CYCLElogistics
DEMARRAGE - The Rhine Cycle Route
- Project name: DEMARRAGE - The Rhine Cycle Route
- When: 2013 to 2015, -
- Short project description:
Developing the transnational economic potential embedded in the territorial assets of the Rhine corridor - this was the overall aim of the INTERREG IV B project "DEMARRAGE".
In order to achieve this goal, the project team designed an organisational framework to jointly handle the Rhine Cycle Route, implemented a marketing program and initiated business cooperation between Small and medium enterprises belonging to the tourism sector on transnational scale.
Period: 2010 - 2015
More information on: http://www.demarrage.eu/index.php?id=82
- Funded by: https://www.nweurope.eu/
- Total project size: 2 300 000.00€
- Tag/theme: Tourism
Freedom Bridge - Iron Curtain Trail
- Project name: Freedom Bridge - Iron Curtain Trail
- When: 2013
- Short project description:
After almost fifty years spent seperated by the 'Iron Curtain' Austria and Slovakia have been reunited by a €5 million bridge for cyclists by the border. The kilometre long 'Freedom Bridge' has been built between Schlosshof in eastern Austria and Devinska Nova Ves, the bridge, for cyclists and pedestrians, provides a missing link on the 10,000 km long Iron Curtain Cycling Trail, which retraces the route of the Iron Curtain.
The project was co-financed by Slovak-Austrian Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.
The project was co-financed by Slovak-Austrian Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. - See more at: http://ecf.com/advocary/eu-funding-2/examples-of-cycling-projects-co-fun... - Funded by: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/funding/erdf/
- Total project size: 5 000 000.00€
- Tag/theme: cycling infrastructure
MOL Bubi public bike-sharing scheme Budapest
- Project name: MOL Bubi public bike-sharing scheme Budapest
- Short project description:
The MOL Bubi public bike-sharing scheme is a new mode of public transport in Budapest,
which consists of 98 docking stations and 1,150 bicycles.More information on the project: http://molbubi.bkk.hu/a-molbubi.php
- Funded by: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/funding/erdf/
- Total project size: 3 363 706.00€
- Tag/theme: Bike sharing
PRESTO – “Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode”
- Project name: PRESTO – “Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode”
- When: 2009 to 2012, -
- Short project description:
PRESTO – “Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode” is a European project which looks at competence building in cities to improve cycling. The project aims to offer a set of tools for technicians to create cycle friendly urban environments, to implement sound cycling plans and to start up targeted promotion campaigns. PRESTO has also developed seven free e-learning courses for “starter” cities with less than 10% mode share for cycling.
PRESTO is a project of the EU’s Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme granted by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).
The PRESTO website offers an overview of the project and its results. It offers training material, Policy guides and Fact sheets and the possibility to download the files in various languages.
The PRESTO website is currently unavailable due to technical problems. While they are being resolved, the website content is temporarily hosted at http://www.rupprecht-consult.eu/nc/projects/projects-details/project/presto.html.
- Funded by: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/
- Tag/theme: energy efficiency
PRO-BYKE: Cross-border cycling promotion in communities
- Project name: PRO-BYKE: Cross-border cycling promotion in communities
- When: 2018 to 2020, -
- Short project description:
The PRO-BYKE project enables participating municipalities in the regions of Tyrol (Austria), South Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli (Italy) to develop a local action plan for cycling promotion in a 9-month participatory process. PRO-BYKE aims to initiate a long-term process of promoting cycling by implementing bicycle-friendly measures in order to convince even more citizens in Italy and Austria of the advantages of the bicycle as an everyday means of transport. As a result of the standardised and harmonised promotion of cycling, cooperation between Italy and Austria will be intensified and common procedures, measures and quality standards will be defined.
The local action plans are divided into the fields of organisation, infrastructure and communication. They also include minimum measures in order to create structures for a long-term process in the municipalities. The minimum measures include, for example, the appointment of a contact person for municipal cycling, the provision of information on cycling on the municipality's website or participation in European Mobility Week.
While the project is running until July 2020, the results are impressive already now. As of May 2019, amongst others:
- 8 cycling consultations have already been completed, while 30 more are currently underway;
- 230 bike-friendly measures have been adopted;
- 5 bicycle counting stations have been installed.
Around 75% of the project are funded by the European Union through the INTERREG programme V-A Italy-Austria. The project partners are the municipality of Vicenza (lead partner), the district community Burggrafenamt/Burgraviato (South Tyrol), the Climate Alliance Tyrol and the UTI (Unione Territoriale Intercomunale delle Valli e delle Dolomiti Friulane). Associated partners are the province of Vicenza, the province of Treviso, the Austrian state of Tyrol and STA Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG/Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige SPA.
- Funded by: http://www.interreg.net/en/default.asp
- Total project size: 927 456.00€
- Tag/theme: EU Funding, Case study, EU Funds Observatory for Cycling, 6bn campaign
Rhyl harbour project
- Project name: Rhyl harbour project
- Short project description:
The bridge, one measure of the Rhyl harbour project, closes the gap in National Cycle Network Route 5, which runs along the North Wales coast line and provide a traffic free route for the ‘Wales Coastal Path’ as well as access to the new harbour facilities.
More information: https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/resident/community-and-living/regeneration/rhyl-harbour-project.aspx
- Funded by: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/funding/erdf/
- Tag/theme: cycling infrastructure