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On 12 November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors approved the institution’s new Climate Bank Roadmap. The new strategy sets out how the EIB...

18 Nov, 2020

Cycling is an important component for shaping the mobility of the future. For municipalities of all sizes, more bicycle traffic means less congestion, less nois...

02 Oct, 2019

On July 24, in its first meeting of the new parliamentary term, the Transport Committee of the European Parliament discussed the topic of Modal shift in Europea...

05 Aug, 2019

75 newly elected Members of European Parliament (MEPs), or a full 10% of entire house, pledged to support cycling during this parliamentary term 2019 – 2024. Th...

10 Jul, 2019

As part of the EU’s Energy and Climate Policies 2030, Member States were required to develop national Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). ECF’s analysis of the 28...

25 Jun, 2019

Last November, the Czech association Auto*Mat organized a conference focused on cycling and hilly cities, which was attended by Swiss city authorities and ECF m...

04 Feb, 2019

Doubling cycling is the ambition of the pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion, covering 54 countries across the entire Europe region of the World Healt...

24 Jan, 2019

2018 has been one of the best years yet for ECF’s advocacy team; heading into 2019 we really feel like there has been a sea change in thinking on transport poli...

17 Dec, 2018

Decarbonising the European economy is among the biggest challenges of our time, and all main-stream political parties in the EU agree with the overall...

22 Oct, 2018

NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, through its most recent publication for guidance on ‘Air Pollution: Outdoor Air Quality and Health’...

14 Jul, 2017

European Transport Ministers launched the “Valetta Declaration on Improving Road Safety” at a Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Valletta (Malta) today un...

29 Mar, 2017

The Bike2Work project got half a million people out of their cars and convinced them to shift their daily habits in favor of a more sustainable and healthier co...

22 Feb, 2017
