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Lisbon selected to host European Cyclists' Federation Flagship Conference Velo-city 2021

After Dublin this year, and Mexico City in 2020, the City of Lisbon will host, in 2021, the Velo-city Conference Series. The contract of collaboration which marks the off...

20 Feb, 2019
Cycling to be explicitly referenced in new EU Regional Funding Regulation

Today the European Parliament Committee for Regional Development (REGI) adopted a proposal for a revised ‘European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion...

14 Feb, 2019
Guinness Storehouse - Photo courtesy of Fáilte Ireland

Author: Dublin City CouncilLet us entertain you Preparations are taking place for the Velo-city 2019 social programme in Dublin.   We want to ensure...

06 Feb, 2019
Cycle Parking in Dublin City

Author: Dublin City CouncilProviding sufficient cycle parking for an ever growing population of cyclists is a challenge for any city, but is particularly so fo...

06 Feb, 2019

Last November, the Czech association Auto*Mat organized a conference focused on cycling and hilly cities, which was attended by Swiss city authorities and ECF m...

04 Feb, 2019