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ECF analysis: New European Urban Mobility Framework is a major win for cycling

The new European Urban Mobility Framework (UMF), released by the European Commission on 14 December as part of the “Efficient and Green Mobility” package, repre...The European Commission’s new Urban Mobility Framework is truly an opportunity for EU cities to revolutionise mobility and transport away from polluting, congestion-prone...

22 Dec, 2021
ECF analysis: TEN-T proposal represents important step forward for cycling, but also some missed opportunities

The proposal for a revised Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) regulation by the European Commission, presented on 14 December as part of the “Efficient an...The EU’s flagship transport policy – the Trans-European Transport Network – is up for revision and a proposal by the Commission to properly define “active modes...

22 Dec, 2021

All new residential and non-residential buildings in the EU as well as those undergoing major renovation will have to provide mandatory spaces for bicycle parking, accord...

16 Dec, 2021

All new residential and non-residential buildings in the EU as well as those undergoing major renovation will have to provide mandatory spaces for bicycle...The European Commission’s revision proposal for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will make bicycle parking mandatory in all new and renovated buildings in th...

16 Dec, 2021

A new study analysing data from 17 countries estimates that the public health benefits of much higher levels of cycling could save more than 200,000 lives per y...A scenario in which 100% of urban car trips in 2050 are replaced by cycling would prevent 205,424 premature deaths due to reductions in air pollution and increases in reg...

13 Dec, 2021