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To enable more people to cycle to work, is one of the objectives of the European CHIPS – Cycle Highway Innovation project. The first step of the project involve...

30 Mar, 2017

The 21st of February had been marked for some time in the calendars of fifteen students from the University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main and Frankfurt Un...

03 Mar, 2017

For this article we thank Ms. Anne Madden from CHIPS project partner - Sustrans.   CHIPS Partners Sustrans and Translink (Northern Ireland's integrate...

16 Feb, 2017

The European Commission makes direct financial contributions in the form of grants in support of projects or organisations which further the interests of the EU...

25 Jan, 2017

In the first week of December the CHIPS partners met in the surprisingly sunny city of Belfast to discuss the results of CHIPS survey and to design the behavior...

22 Dec, 2016

After the success of the first European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) call for cycle highways worth 21.7 million euro last year, Flanders announces that, tog...

09 Nov, 2016

Have you seen this logo? The pilot project "Fietssnelwegen" is a part of the CHIPS project work package on readability. The objective of the CHIPS (Cycle Highw...

04 Nov, 2016
