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If 2017 has been the year Europe learnt about dockless bike sharing services – with all the hype and concerns this produced – 2018 is definitely the year of con...

30 Nov, 2018

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders who contribute to make Cycling in Europ...

24 Oct, 2018

On Monday 11th June, one day before the opening of Velo-city 2018, around 20 members of the Cities & Regions for Cyclists network convened in Rio from all o...

12 Jun, 2018

On a global scale, the bike sharing world keeps evolving at a rapid pace. Old actors disappear from the scene, new ones pop up, and giants from other sectors st...

01 Jun, 2018

The narrative of Velo-city 2018 tells us that to “Learn to Live in order to achieve Happiness and Quality of Life, we need to Integrate Life and Transport gener...

14 May, 2018

The main theme of this year’s Velo-City is Access to life. The narrative tells us that to “Learn to Live in order to achieve Happiness and Quality of...

02 May, 2018