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Jill Warren, CEO of ECF: “We’re delighted to join the 1% network, which will make it even easier for organisations and individual donors to support ECF’s crucia...The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is a new nonprofit partner of 1% for the Planet, an alliance of more than 6,000 business and individual members that give back to...

20 Sep, 2021
ECF CEO Jill Warren’s key takeaways from Velo-city 2021 Lisboa

On behalf of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), we have truly enjoyed working with Mayor Fernando Medina and Deputy Mayor Miguel Gaspar and with the Munic...At the world cycling summit in Lisbon on 6-9 September, Jill Warren made it clear that there is no conceivable way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the Europ...

14 Sep, 2021