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On October 15th in Rome FIAB met for the first time the Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, Graziano Delrio, and the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Dar...

26 Oct, 2015

On October 9th, Lisbon city has launched a €28.9 million public competition for the implementation of a public bike share system. The announcement, published in...

23 Oct, 2015

Cycling organisations on both sides of the English Channel are working together to fight a change in bicycle carriage policy being introduced by the rail operat...

23 Oct, 2015

Every year, the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro organises the national cycling workshop BiciRio on the occasion of the car free day. And this year was no differe...

19 Oct, 2015

The European Cyclists’ Federation provides two identical training webinars on WHO HEAT (Health Economic Assessment Tool) with a focus on cycling. Dates  #1 Nove...

16 Oct, 2015

  This year Kyiv got it's first complete route that connects one of the neighbourhoods with the city centre. Unlike previous projects, the route logically conne...

14 Oct, 2015

A partnership between ALD Automotive Portugal and ISS Facility Services has joined PRO-E-BIKE project as one more pilot. ALD Automotive, which is one of the lea...

12 Oct, 2015

The first informal Council meeting of the EU and EFTA Transport ministers on the subject of cycling, the so called “EU Cycling Summit “, has resulted in the “Declaration...

07 Oct, 2015