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Velo-city 2019 Dublin officially closed its doors yesterday. The final plenary explored the City of Today and how it should evolve into the future of tomorrow....

28 Jun, 2019

Happiness and health were the focus of today’s opening plenary, kicking-off another day dense with insights, ideas, inspiration, food for thought. The World Hea...

26 Jun, 2019

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders contributing to making Cycling in Europ...

17 Jun, 2019

Electric bicycles account for only about 1% of total bicycles sales in Portugal, in comparison to the European average of 8% or more than one third of the sales...

07 May, 2019

With 30 years of activity and engagement, FIAB is one of the strongest cycling organisations in Europe. It promotes more liveable cities in Italy through its 18...

19 Apr, 2019

This article was written by Roar Løkken, Communications Manager at Syklistene.As you take the time to explore the streets of Oslo on two wheels, its shortcomin...

18 Apr, 2019

The European Commission released its latest figures[1] for the road fatalities across the EU last week. In 2018, there were around 25,100 fatalities in road acc...

09 Apr, 2019

On Wednesday 26 June at 10:30 for the first time ever, the Cities & Regions for Cyclists network will have its own exclusive session at Velo-city Dublin. Do...

20 Feb, 2019

If 2017 has been the year Europe learnt about dockless bike sharing services – with all the hype and concerns this produced – 2018 is definitely the year of con...

30 Nov, 2018

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders contributing to making Cycling in Europ...

12 Nov, 2018

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders who contribute to make Cycling in Europ...

24 Oct, 2018

Cycling was a prominent topic at the 25th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, this year held between 17-21 September in Copenhagen. The Opening Ceremo...

24 Sep, 2018
