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The City of Varaždin is the cultural, economic and educational centre of Northwest Croatia and the latest addition to the Cities & Regions for Cyclists netw...The newly elected municipal government of Varaždin continues a strong track record of green alternatives for local transport. The Croatian city aims to fulfil the dual st...

13 Jan, 2022
Cycling in EU Member States' National Recovery and Resilience Plans - 17 May

Following numerous advocacy campaigns and public consultations conducted in EU Member States, cycling has featured more prominently in several updated National...Since ECF’s analysis in April, cycling investments have become increasingly prominent in EU Member States’ recovery plans. However, while several countries have stepped u...

17 May, 2021
New data reports a 47% increase in cycling in Scotland

Between March 2020 and March 2021, 47% more cycling journeys were recorded in Scotland compared to the same period the previous year, according to data released...New data reports a 47% increase in cycling in Scotland from March 2020 to March 2021 compared to the previous year. Local cyclists accredit this growth to more cycle-frie...

30 Apr, 2021

Do public investments in sustainable mobility really bring about behaviour change? Can more dedicated infrastructure lead to increased levels of cycling? The re...A new study based on data from ECF’s COVID-19 cycling measures tracker shows that pop-up cycling infrastructure boosted cycling levels in European cities in the first mon...

07 Apr, 2021

Filled with colourful narrow streets and built on a unique topography, Lisbon is undoubtedly a challenging city when it comes to mobility. Over the past decade,...

19 Nov, 2020

75 newly elected Members of European Parliament (MEPs), or a full 10% of entire house, pledged to support cycling during this parliamentary term 2019 – 2024. Th...

10 Jul, 2019

2018 has been one of the best years yet for ECF’s advocacy team; heading into 2019 we really feel like there has been a sea change in thinking on transport poli...

17 Dec, 2018

Great success for Finnish bicycle advocacy, backed up by the Leadership Programme: Finland’s new Energy and Climate Strategy includes an official national...

08 Dec, 2016