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As part of our work to help cycling and the bike industry into the world of smart, connected and shared mobility we are working with visionaries and leaders who...

08 Mar, 2017

The Leadership Programme supports future leaders in cycling advocacy and aims to support organisations through a transition – in structure, in resources or in e...

07 Mar, 2017

The 21st of February had been marked for some time in the calendars of fifteen students from the University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main and Frankfurt Un...

03 Mar, 2017

This week The European Commission announced at the Motor Vehicle Working Group that it is delaying the proposal on Vehicle Safety Regulations until at least Mar...

03 Mar, 2017
Photo by the Centre for Environment (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Bosnian cyclists have managed to repeal their cumbersome and unfair law on the mandatory use of bicycle helmets. ECF members the Centre for Environment have bee...

02 Mar, 2017
