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Cycle AI wins first place at the first ever European Cyclists’ Federation Hackathon, organized in association with the European Institute for Innovation and Tec...

09 Dec, 2020

2021 marks the beginning of the new 7-year Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union. The European Cyclists' Federation releases today 27 count...

07 Dec, 2020

Excessive speed is one of the biggest killers on our roads, a major danger to cyclists, and creates an unwelcoming environment on our roads. In around 30% of fa...

03 Dec, 2020

As the impacts of the Coronavirus change our lives and daily habits all across Europe, the continent is also experiencing an unprecedented cycling wave. On Dece...

03 Dec, 2020

Cycling has been a symbol of emancipation and empowerment at many times during our history, but have we come as far as we would like to?[i] When given a closer...

02 Dec, 2020
There are nearly 8000 locations where EuroVelo and TEN-T networks overlap. The number would be much higher if we included national and local cycling networks.

The European Commission has published the Inception Impact Assessment for revision of the Union Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport n...

01 Dec, 2020

A diverse coalition of 17 associations calls upon the European Commission to commit to modal shift and set targets for increasing the share of walking, cycling...

01 Dec, 2020

Urban Laab takes second place at the European Cyclists’ Federation’s inaugural Hackathon, organised in association with the European Institute for Innovation an...

30 Nov, 2020

There are more than 210 million Europeans who are physically inactive, leading to annual healthcare cost of €80 billion, informed Laurent Thieule, President of...With ECF as a project partner, PACTE (Promoting Active Cities Throughout Europe) recently concluded with the hosting of a webinar where it launched its final, and most am...

30 Nov, 2020

Last year, the EU, published a new set of excellent vehicle safety standards for the European Union, due to come into force from 2022, including Intelligent Spe...

25 Nov, 2020

For the past decades, urban planning focused on crafting cities for cars. Now as attitudes and mindsets are changing, we are starting to see the tide turning to...

24 Nov, 2020

RD Cycle Solution win third place at European Cyclists’ Federation’s first ever Hackathon, organised in association with the European Institute for Innovation a...

23 Nov, 2020
