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The Danish Cyclists’ Federation is organizing another Bikeable City Masterclass in collaboration with several other members of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark on...

05 Jan, 2018

We are happy to kick-off 2018 with a great advocacy success story from our French member FUB-Fédération Française des Usagers de la Bicyclette! Their...

20 Dec, 2017

The growth of cycling in major cities in Europe and the Americas did not go unnoticed by the academic world. In particular the last five years from 2011 – 2016...

30 Nov, 2017

On 15 November in Italy, the Italian Chamber of Deputies approved the Framework Law on Cycling Mobility with a unanimous vote. All political groups agreed on th...

19 Nov, 2017

Even as far back as 2008 more than 70% of buses in the US had bike racks installed. In comparison, European efforts tend to be more limited covering only a few...

26 Jul, 2017
credit Danish Cyclists’ Federation

The City of Oslo received the Cycling Embassy of Denmark’s (CED) Leadership award at a special Danish session at the Velo-city 2017 conference in Arnh...

23 Jun, 2017

In partnership with the ECF’s Scientists for Cycling network, Radboud University successfully organised this year’s edition of the network’s Scientific Colloqui...

20 Jun, 2017

Leading experts from academics, consultancies, and city administration will teach you how they approach cycling in relation to sustainable mobility and climate...

09 Jun, 2017

A coalition of industry, NGOs, consumer groups, and cities are calling on the European Commission to urgently bring forward new minimum safety standards for new...

24 May, 2017
Over 600 bicycle users joined the FPCUB bicycle protest held on January 8th of this year, in Lisbon (photograph: BCPereira)

Portugal’s controversial 2020 National Road Safety Strategy program (PENSE2020) has dropped studying mandatory helmet laws for cyclists, after strong public opp...

27 Apr, 2017

The Cicloraduno is FIAB national gathering of cyclists, which every year allows cyclists to explore new regions of Italy. The 29th edition will take place from...

24 Apr, 2017

The European Cyclists' Federation is launching the first comprehensive map for cycling data in Europe.

24 Apr, 2017
