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Cyclists’ Union is a non-governmental organization, a member of ECF and supported by our Leadership Programme (the programme invests in smal...

06 Apr, 2017
Picture: Marc van Woudenberg

Bernhard Ensink, ECF Secretary General, spoke at a Hi-level transport ministers meeting In Malta on Wednesday 29th March, here’s the press release. It followed...

31 Mar, 2017

To enable more people to cycle to work, is one of the objectives of the European CHIPS – Cycle Highway Innovation project. The first step of the project involve...

30 Mar, 2017

For the Kyiv Cyclists’ Association (AVK), the Ukranian member organisation of ECF, 2016 was a very busy and successful year, advocating for a better c...

20 Mar, 2017

Approximately 300 companies in 12 European countries became cycle-friendly in 2015-2016, bringing over half a million commuters on their bicycles. And since today, the 20...

21 Feb, 2017

The first bicycle parade of the year in Moscow organized by Let's bike it and the Transport Department of Moscow, was held despite the freezing temper...

11 Jan, 2017