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We launch our mini-interview series with the Velo-city 2019 Keynote Speakers! #VC19Keynote #MeetTheSpeakers #CyclingForTheAges Ms Amanda Ngabirano is an urban a...

06 Mar, 2019

Author: Dublin City Council “I think the bicycle has done more to emancipate women than any one thing in the world. I rejoice every time I see a woman ride by o...

06 Mar, 2019
ECF Board has appointed Mr. Cristian Stoica as new interim ECF Secretary General

Effective March 1st, 2019 the ECF Board has appointed Mr. Cristian Stoica as new interim ECF Secretary General.ECF’s present Secretary General Bernhard Ensink,...

04 Mar, 2019

The Cycle-Friendly Employers (CFE) Consortium is launching a call for new members from Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Icel...

04 Mar, 2019

‘Making buildings fit for sustainable mobility’ - Breakfast Launch of The ECF Parking Report – 20th March 2019, 09h30 – 12h00 at the Hanse-...

01 Mar, 2019

The 46 km F1 cycle highway connecting Antwerp with Brussels has undergone significant upgrades on the stretch between Zemst and Eppegem. On the 20th of February...

01 Mar, 2019
