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How can we help families to cycle more often? Why do some cylists prefer cycle paths and others cycle lanes? What are the road safety implications of electric c...

20 Dec, 2018
Picture: Christophe Nadjovski - ECF President (right) and Tony Grimaldi - Founding President of CIE (left)

At the “Future of Cycling” Conference held last Thursday, October 11th, within the Week of Cities and Regions, EU Institutions, cities, regions and industry leaders gathe...

17 Oct, 2018

ECF attended the ITF 2018 conference in Leipzig last week. Many big names in the transport sector including Bernhard Ensink from ECF attended and this year ther...

01 Jun, 2018

At the Annual General Meeting in Milan, ECF’s members were joined by many former colleagues on the ECF Board to celebrate Manfred Neun’s remarkable 12 years of...

22 May, 2018