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Bike Rider in Dublin

We are excited to announce the launch of our preliminary programme for the Velo-city 2019 conference in Dublin, Ireland! High numbers of excellent quality...

12 Dec, 2018
A delivery cyclist on the streets of Dublin

Since the invention of the bicycle Dubliners have been delivering goods around the city on two wheels. From butcher boys to post men, the bike has been del...

27 Nov, 2018
BleeperBike in Dublin

On May 2018, BleeperBike was one of the operators to be granted a license to operate a low-cost bike hire scheme under the regulations of Du...

26 Nov, 2018
Enjoying the winter sunshine on Dublin’s stationless bicycle share scheme.

In keeping with EU and national policies, Dublin City Council’s City Development Plan 2016-2022 has an aspiration for Dublin to become a low-carbon and sustaina...

23 Nov, 2018