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Mobility planners, city officials, consultants, advocates and all cycling experts: These are some reasons why you cannot miss Velo-city Global 2016 in Taip...

18 Jan, 2016

Italian member FIAB achieves a historic milestone as Italian parliament announces pro cycling measures December was a good month for cyclists in Italy as...

15 Jan, 2016

As advocates, understanding how politicians feel about cycling and its potential is an important part of promoting cycling, and thanks to information like this...

13 Jan, 2016

Win-Win – that is the objective of the Cycling for Growth Initiative. It brings together advocacy to promote more cycling together with advocacy to sustain a st...

11 Jan, 2016

Article by JP Amaral – co-founder of Bike Anjo/Brazil Brazilian Bike Community Map Cycling is not only an important element on urban mobility, but an instrument...

06 Jan, 2016

Hungarian cyclists’ movement leader died before Christmas after ten years of tireless work Hungarian cyclists owe a lot to László János, former president o...

05 Jan, 2016

Mobility and cycling has never been so alive in the climate agenda. First of all, going to COP21 was not an easy task. At least 1 hour and three modes of transp...

21 Dec, 2015

Dear ECF friends, As a great year for cycling is coming to an end and I am very proud of the achievements of ECF and all our partners. This year, the...

18 Dec, 2015

As the COP21 continued, ECF & WCA’s Transport Initiative Cycling Delivers on the Global Goals was presented by Secretary-General Bernhard Ensink at the...

17 Dec, 2015

On 27 September, Ségolène Royal, the French Minister for the Environment, confirmed in a radio interview that a kilometric reimbursement scheme for employees cy...

16 Dec, 2015

  Over the past few years the ECF has been running a series of webinars related to using EU Funds for cycling. The emphasis up until now has been to try and inf...

07 Dec, 2015

Arriving at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris, we immediately see a bicycle welcoming us to this high-level conference. But just how high...

07 Dec, 2015
