Register now: ECF Webinars on how to get EU Funding for cycling

07 Dec, 2015
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Over the past few years the ECF has been running a series of webinars related to using EU Funds for cycling. The emphasis up until now has been to try and influence the documents that set out the funding priorities in each country / region for the period leading up to 2020. Most of these documents have now been adopted, so we can start to identify opportunities for investing in cycling-related projects and discuss how to realise our projects. Don't miss the new round of ECF webinars on how to get EU funds for cycling!  Who: This webinar is ideal for European cycling advocates, city officials, local/regional/national decision-makers, public bodies working on mobility issues, institutes/academics working on relevant fields, transport experts. When: Monday 14th December at 14:30 and Tuesday 15th December at 10:30 (CET). To confirm your participation please complete the following registration form and indicate which session you can make. If you can attend both, you will be assigned one of them. How: The webinars are going to be run using Webex, so to participate you will just need good internet access and a speaker/microphone (it is also possible to join via phone but charges do apply). Contact person: Ed Lancaster, Regional Policy and Tourism Officer ([at] Please be aware that ECF members have priority in the registration.   Due to oversubscription the registration is closed. ECF will organise new weminars in the beginning of 2016.


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