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The historic Sint-Annatunnel under the Scheldt river in Antwerp is reserved for pedestrian and cyclists. Since 1933 it offers a shortcut to the city centre unav...

25 Apr, 2019

The most visible upgrades on the section of the cycle highway F1 between Mechelen and Vilvoorde in Belgium is the new asphalt surfacing on the towpath along Zen...

21 Mar, 2019
Cycling Underwater Mini Series – Kennedy Tunnel in Antwerp

Underwater tunnels are not typical cycling facilities. But in a few cases, such tunnels provide an important cycling connection. We start a new mini-series with...

08 Mar, 2019

The planned F15 cycle highway in the Netherlands shows that the costs of cycling infrastructure can be reduced as much as three times by integrating it in the d...

06 Mar, 2019

On 21th February 2019, the key EU institutions agreed on a revised version of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM), recogni...

22 Feb, 2019

The Marynarska interchange in Warsaw was constructed in 2013 with substantial co-financing from EU’s Cohesion Fund, as a part of the trans-European road networ...

15 Feb, 2019

The International Federation of Pedestrians (IFP), the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associat...

25 Jan, 2019

The Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) directive (2008/96/EC) defines procedures that were supposed to ensure safety of the trans-European road infras...

10 Jan, 2019
wider cycle paths

Between 2008 and 2016 the number of cars driving across Dronning Louises Bro in Copenhagen dropped by nearly 60%. But the total number of people using the bridg...

06 Nov, 2018

Participants of the “Copy & Paste Infrastructure” session discussed challenges and adaptations of applying the Dutch or Danish cycling infrastructure design...

18 Jun, 2018

There are diverse ways that bicycles can be present in public space – at events, in education, street art and last but not least – infrastructure. Speakers in t...

15 Jun, 2018

In the first infrastructural session on Velo-city 2018 we discussed the challenges related to the design of cycling infrastructure in cities and metropolis...

13 Jun, 2018
