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A new study analysing data from 17 countries estimates that the public health benefits of much higher levels of cycling could save more than 200,000 lives per y...A scenario in which 100% of urban car trips in 2050 are replaced by cycling would prevent 205,424 premature deaths due to reductions in air pollution and increases in reg...

13 Dec, 2021

On Tuesday 5 October, Glasgow City Council published part of its new strategy to promote active travel across the city, including an extensive new network of cy...Glasgow has announced plans for a new cycleway network ahead of hosting COP26 in November. The network aims to reduce transport pollution, congestion and road safety...

08 Oct, 2021
Celebrating Cycling Cities: Sharing Europe’s Best Practices

High-level speakers from all over Europe met on 1 June 2021 to share best practices for how to shape more cycle-friendly urban mobility systems. “Celebrating Cy...Over 1,300 participants were registered when politicians and officials from European cities, EU institutions and the Netherlands met for an event on the role of cycling a...

02 Jun, 2021

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from local authority leaders in Europe working for better, safer and more comm...Prague is set to make record investments in cycling this year, dedicating expenses towards better infrastructure and a new cargo bike depot. Officials are counting on cyc...

02 Jun, 2021