As part of our work to help cycling and the bike industry into the world of smart, connected and shared mobility we are working with visionaries and leaders who...
Even as far back as 2008 more than 70% of buses in the US had bike racks installed. In comparison, European efforts tend to be more limited covering only a few...
During last month’s Velo-city conference in the Netherlands, an unusual event was organised to spread the word about the excellent examples the Dutch set in com...
CHIPS UK Project Partner Sustrans has launched a new cyclist loyalty scheme called ‘Pedal Perks’ in East Belfast. The scheme offers discounts and rewa...
‘In order to tackle the traffic problem, especially the traffic jams, in our region, we want to see more people cycling’, says Tom Dehaene, Mobility representat...
Cyclists’ Union is a non-governmental organization, a member of ECF and supported by our Leadership Programme (the programme invests in smal...
During the last months, four European countries have introduced tax breaks for cycling to work or extended existing ones: France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy....
To enable more people to cycle to work, is one of the objectives of the European CHIPS – Cycle Highway Innovation project. The first step of the project involve...
In addition to the known benefits of cycling, e-bikes have an even greater potential to offer, but up until now they were excluded from most of the electromobility strate...
The Bike2Work project got half a million people out of their cars and convinced them to shift their daily habits in favor of a more sustainable and healthier co...
Latest news from the ECF. Read about the meeting of key European cycling experts, a launch of a cycle-friendly employers' certification scheme and more!
Over 300 companies in 12 European countries became cycle-friendly in 2015-2016, bringing over half a million commuters on their bicycles. And since t...