A survey on tourist mobility in Southern Italy

02 May, 2014
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Cycling in Apulia Cycling in Apulia

A study on the mobility needs of people travelling to Puglia, with a specific focus on cycling mobility,  is being carried out by the Puglia Regional Transport Department and the University of Salento.

The initiative is part of the activities of the cross-border cooperation project INTERMODAL (INTERmodality MOdel for the Development of the Adriatic Littoral zone), funded by the IPA ADRIATIC CBC 2007-2013 programme, in which the Apulia Region is project partner. The main aim of INTERMODAL project for Apulia Region is the implementation of the integration between cycling mobility and the other transport modes.

The study consists of the distribution of 1,500 questionnaires with the goal of improving regional intermodal transport services.

The Apulia Regional Transport Councillor states that the aim of the survey is to collect information about the intermodality needs of tourists coming to this area, included cycle tourists,  in order to improve integrated transport solutions.

The questionnaire, in Italian and English, will be available in paper form at hotels and on the web. The outcome of the survey will allow the Apulia Region to improve and better coordinate policies for tourism mobility with the development of intermodal transport services.

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