- Data availability: Enough data available Enough data available
Some data available but low quality or quantity
Insufficient level
No data - Cycling Modal share: 5,00% 2017, ISFORT (Isfort - Istituto superiore di formazione e ricerca per i trasporti), 15° Rapporto sulla mobilità degli italiani, Nov. 2018, Table 3, http://www.fsnews.it/cms-file/allegati/fsnews2014/2018_11_15_Sintesi_Rapporto_Mobilità_Isfort_2017.pdf
- Safety indicators:
- Absolute number of fatalities: 251 Care database, 2015, https://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/sites/roadsafety/files/pdf/statistics/dacota/asr2017.pdf, Table 5, 29, 34
- Absolute number of fatalities: 251
- Market:
- Average price: 390,00€ 2017, CONEBI EUROPEAN BICYCLE INDUSTRY & MARKET REPORT October 2018
- Sales volume:
- All bikes: 1.688.000 2017, CONEBI EUROPEAN BICYCLE INDUSTRY & MARKET REPORT October 2018, p. 56
- E bikes: 124.000 European Bicycle Market & Industry Profile, 2016, CONEBI
- All bikes: 1.688.000
- Average price: 390,00€
Cycle tourism:
- Turnover:€ The European Cycle Route Network EuroVelo - Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Tourism, 2012, European Parliament
- Number of journeys: 103.000.000 day trips and 1.050.000 overnight tripsThe European Cycle Route Network EuroVelo - Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Tourism, 2012, European Parliament
- Turnover:€
- Number of cycling advocates: 12.850Number of individual members of a cycling NGO member of the ECF