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Vision 2030

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is pleased to announce that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of ECF’s members celebrated in Milan the adoption of the new ECF Vision 2030. ECF envisions a sustainable Europe and world for current and all future generations.

ECF’s Vision stresses how cycling supports the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and promotes sustainable mobility systems in European cities and regions. ECF promotes cycle use in Europe for all, including all ages and gender, improving public health and road safety for cyclists and increasing investments for more and better cycling in Europe.

In 2030 the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is committed to be the European Cycling Federation (ECF), the European federation for civil society organizations advocating for and working for better conditions for cyclists and increased cycling. The members of ECF will be civil society organizations from Europe, with an interest in promoting cycling. They are not related to political parties, not representing the government or the public sector and are not from the commercial sector. In 2030, ECF will be the leading European international cycling advocacy and promotion organization and a positive partner for the EU and international, national, regional and local institutions and for organizations from all sectors. 

The Annual General Meeting also agreed on the main lines of advocacy for 2030. ECF’s goal is to take the lead where the opportunities and threats to cycling are at stake. For 2030 ECF takes the 'EU Cycling Strategy', presented by ECF and partners in 2017, as the base for an agenda for the radical change of unsustainable mobility solutions and systems into sustainable mobility solutions and systems in Europe.