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Philipp Halmanns's picture

Where: country AND/OR region: 

  • Belgium


2009 to 2012, -

Short project description: : 

PRESTO – “Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode” is a European project which looks at competence building in cities to improve cycling. The project aims to offer a set of tools for technicians to create cycle friendly urban environments, to implement sound cycling plans and to start up targeted promotion campaigns. PRESTO has also developed seven free e-learning courses for “starter” cities with less than 10% mode share for cycling.

PRESTO is a project of the EU’s Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme granted by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).

The PRESTO website offers an overview of the project and its results. It offers training material, Policy guides and Fact sheets and the possibility to download the files in various languages.

The PRESTO website is currently unavailable due to technical problems. While they are being resolved, the website content is temporarily hosted at