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Philipp Halmanns's picture

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  • Belgium


2014 to 2017, -

Short project description: : 

Running from May 2014 until April 2017 Cyclelogistics builds on the success of and the lessons learnt from the Cylcelogistics project. The main aim of the project is to reduce energy consumption and emissions from freight transport in urban areas by triggering near zero emission logistics applications across Europe. The European Cyclelogistics Federation, founded during the forerunner project, will play a vital part in reaching this goal. Cyclelogistics Ahead will address all the 3 main affected target groups, the transport sector, municipalities and private and commercial end users by:

  • Increasing the use of cargo bicycles for goods transport in cities as an alternative to fossil-fuel dependent vehicles by initiating a snowball effect in the set-up of delivery companies using near zero emission vehicles (cargo bikes and/or e-cargo bikes) all over Europe  and by helping existing ones to extend and professionalize. This will be achieved with the assistance of the Cyclelogstics Academy that is part of the European Cyclelogsitics Federation.
  • Stimulating municipalities to implement favorable framework conditions that facilitate the continuing development of near zero emission urban logistics by allocating responsibilities for such issues within the municipality; by a stepwise phasing out of polluting vehicles; by integration of zero emission logistics in local policies or mobility plans; and by establishing local logistics cooperation platforms.
  • Raising awareness among private and commercial end users and their associations about their power to influence the development towards zero emission urban logistics solutions. This will be done by making them aware of their market shaping powers if they change their purchasing preferences; enabling transparency regarding the last mile delivery; and by reducing delivery traffic through pilot measures for pick-up solutions.
  • Ensuring international networking and know-how exchange regarding all issues of near zero emission logistics