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ECF has signed a joint statement along with European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), European Union Road Federation (ERF), European Transport Workers Federatio...

27 Sep, 2018

Collisions with cars, vans and lorries account for a large proportion of cyclist deaths. The severity of impacts between motor vehicles and cyclists is influenc...

06 Jun, 2018

The European Commission has, following an ECJ decision, decided to allow classification of all Electric Power Assisted Bicycles (EPAC/Pedelec) as a “motor vehic...

06 Jun, 2018

ECF attended the ITF 2018 conference in Leipzig last week. Many big names in the transport sector including Bernhard Ensink from ECF attended and this year ther...

01 Jun, 2018
Source: ITF

Ministers from around the world published the Ministerial Declaration on Transport Safety and Security today at the International Transport Forum (ITF) in Leipz...

01 Jun, 2018

The European Commission launched its 3rd Mobility Package last Thursday, this package has a large safety content, and includes a revamp of the type approval veh...

24 May, 2018

A host of cities and other organisations including ECF has signed a letter calling for the European Commission to regulate the elimination of direct vision blin...

03 May, 2018

  Vehicle technologies and the rules for their use are becoming more and more complex and more newsworthy almost daily.  We have documented many of th...

06 Apr, 2018

ECF has, along with 13 other organisations, sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, calling for a ‘strong and timely’ respons...

15 Mar, 2018

On January 22nd ECF attended an executive symposium on road safety at the European University Institute in Florence[1]. The symposium was organised jointly by t...

23 Jan, 2018

It seems that we were too premature in our congratulations of the TRAN committees work in the Professional Drivers Qualifications. This legislation lays out the...

01 Dec, 2017

Swedish Minister for the Environment Karolina Skog helped launch the Swedish Traffic Safety Council for Active and Sustainable Mobility “Moving Beyond Zero”; a...

22 Nov, 2017
