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Success for German ECF member ADFC: For the first time in history, the government has included cycle highways in the new Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan a...

04 Aug, 2016
Bratislava, HEAT conference

BRUSSELS, 14/07/2016 - This month the Slovaks took up the EU rotating presidency, with a number of events. The full program is here.  ECF will attend...

14 Jul, 2016

“More bicycles, better cities, healthier society and economy!” That is the motto of the newly launched Portuguese Bicycle Commitment, an organisation created by...

11 May, 2016

For Sindikat Biciklista, the ECF’s Croatian participants in the Leadership Programme, the main goal was to try and create an active cycling network within Croat...

22 Apr, 2016

There are a number of prominent ‘bicycle kingdoms’ on the globe. Looking at Europe, what first comes to mind are the Netherlands and Denmark. What may come as a...

10 Feb, 2016
