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The European Green Deal – A huge opportunity for cycling

The EU will become the first to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the European Commission proposed last Wednesday in its landmark Communication on a Euro...

17 Dec, 2019

ECF, in cooperation with 15 other organisations, calls for the establishment of a new European Parliamentary intergroup to address topics on Sustainable and Saf...

07 Nov, 2019

The revised and updated version of the SUMP guidelines were released at the CIVITAS Forum 2019, to support cities in their efforts to create an integrated Susta...

22 Oct, 2019

Author: City of LjubljanaLjubljana, the capital of Slovenia, with approximately 290,000 inhabitants is an environmentally ambitious city and known as green, cl...

08 Aug, 2019
[Photo Credit: Bart van Overbeeke]

[Photo Credit: Bart van Overbeeke]   In the last week of June, the Fietsersbond certified two more companies, reaching a total of ten Cycle-Friendly Emplo...

18 Jul, 2019

As Velo-city, the world’s premier cycling conference, took place last week in Dublin, Ireland, all eyes of the global cycling community were focused on how the...

04 Jul, 2019

Velo-city 2019 Dublin officially closed its doors yesterday. The final plenary explored the City of Today and how it should evolve into the future of tomorrow....

28 Jun, 2019

Happiness and health were the focus of today’s opening plenary, kicking-off another day dense with insights, ideas, inspiration, food for thought. The World Hea...

26 Jun, 2019

The final day of Velo-city 2019 ends with a comprehensive discussion on the city of today! After tackling concepts of the City of the Future and 4 days of havin...

18 Jun, 2019

The third day of Velo-city 2019 ends with an engaging discussion: ‘Cycle Tourism’! Tourism is one of the world's largest economic sectors, supporting one in 10...

17 Jun, 2019

The last day of Velo-city 2019 begins with a stimulating discussion: ‘Infrastructure from the City to the Greenways’! Infrastructure is the backbone of cycling...

17 Jun, 2019

The last day of Velo-city 2019 begins with a stimulating discussion: ‘Partnership & Collaboration’! As stated in Sustainable Development Goal 17, collaborat...

14 Jun, 2019
