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People around the world are migrating faster and faster towards urban areas. Nowadays, more than 50% of the world’s population live in cities and, if it goes on...

23 Aug, 2016

Cycling into the future - a new approach to infrastructure, a new approach to policy-making at European level! This event, jointly organized in partnership of t...

26 Jul, 2016

Read about the EU Cycling Strategy, the better Air Quality petition, EUROBIKE 2016, EU commissioner Bulc's committment, CYCLElogistics and much more!

28 Jun, 2016
Cycling Forum Europe CYFO EU Cycling Strategy meeting

BRUXELLES, 23/06/2016 - People cycling are early risers. Chaired by MEP Michael Cramer and MEP Istvan Ujhelyi, 40 people with diverse backgrounds gathered...

23 Jun, 2016