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The General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) has come out in favour of cycling with a resolution that recognises the importance of the bicycle for sustainabl...Countries worldwide should integrate cycling into transportation, improve road safety and promote the use of bicycles by people and businesses to ensure sustainable devel...

17 Mar, 2022

2018 has been one of the best years yet for ECF’s advocacy team; heading into 2019 we really feel like there has been a sea change in thinking on transport poli...

17 Dec, 2018

“Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through a socially-fair transition in a cost-efficient manner” – This is the key sentence in the European L...

28 Nov, 2018

Our planet faces numerous climate changes and the negative effects on the environment are key to the universal sustainable agenda. 2015 was a key year for multi...

27 Jun, 2018