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For the past decades, urban planning focused on crafting car-friendly cities. As a result, the number of inactive Europeans has risen to 235 million. The PACTE...

08 Oct, 2019

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders contributing to making Cycling in Europ...

17 Jun, 2019

  ECF hosts a Metamorphosis stakeholders roundtable on June 19th from 10:00 to 14:00 focusing on how cities can become more children friend...

31 May, 2019

(Image Credit: Sport & Citizenship) PACTE project’s Active Education Workshop was held in Berlin on the 21-22 February 2019, bringing together a diverse gro...

26 Feb, 2019

The European Commission has been working on proposals to update its 10 year old regulations on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) and ECF has been pus...

20 Nov, 2018

Up to 48 thousand cyclists per day cross Queen Louise Bridge in Copenhagen. One of the key measures that contributed to reaching such a high number is closing o...

27 Aug, 2018

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders contributing to making Cycling in Europ...

11 May, 2018

Behavior change is an important topic on the upcoming Velo-City 2018 conference program in Rio! Under the sub-theme Learn to live, which looks at how we learn t...

08 May, 2018

The latest edition of the universally-recognised index for the quality of living has just been published. And, once again, we are pleased to see many bicycle-fr...

26 Mar, 2018
Cycling in Brussels by Stephane Mignon in flickr

Brussels is not immediately famous for its cycling conditions, but improvements are on the way and will continue to be made if it is up ECF members Fietsersbond...

22 Feb, 2017

Brighton&Hove Albion football clubs are currently based at the American Express Community Stadium, commonly referred to as ‘The Amex’. Together with local a...

22 Feb, 2017
